National Museum and Center for Service rendering

Campus Museums of Service

Through our partnership with the National Museum & Center For Service, we are working with campuses to envision ways to recognize and honor service on campuses and in communities through campus-based exhibitions.  Over the coming year, we will convene interested groups to join us for visioning sessions and brainstorming. Our eventual goal is to pilot museums of service on several campuses and build resources that can be used to scale and expand this important venture to other campuses.

For more, read our blog post "Uplifting Legacies of Service: A new partnership to create Campus Museums of Service"

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people from different generations chatting

Campus Cogenerate

Campus Cogenerate is a new initiative created in partnership with Cogenerate that focuses on the power generated when older and younger people come together to engage with communities in solving problems, bridging divides, and co-creating a better future. Over the coming year, Campus Compact and Cogenerate will convene campuses already doing this work, spotlight promising practices, and build expanded opportunities for cogenerational collaboration across the Campus Compact network.

For more information, read our blog post, "Introducing Campus Cogenerate" and read a recap of our first Visioning Session

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student voters

Democracy Inventory Project

Colleges and universities have developed increasingly sophisticated strategies for advancing civic and community engagement focused on student learning, social impact, and creating healthy and just communities. However, these strategies often remain siloed within institutions and across institutional contexts. This joint planning effort—led by the American Association of Colleges & Universities and Campus Compact—will aim to organize these collective efforts nationally and more fully enable higher education institutions to support and advance democracy.

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us dept of housing and urban development building

HUD + Higher Ed Engagement Network

The HUD + Higher Ed Engagement Network aims to build strong relationships between the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and higher education to create inclusive, sustainable, and thriving communities. Through the network, colleges and universities will receive tools, resources, and technical assistance to directly engage with and advance HUD initiatives on the ground.

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