The repository is designed to be useful for faculty seeking to document their community engagement for the purposes of promotion and advancement as well as higher education administrators interested in deepening their knowledge and understanding of how community-engaged scholarship (CES) can be incentivized and rewarded through tenure and promotion policies.
In this collection, you will find information about various ways to make the case and create incentives for faculty to participate in CES, strategies to evaluate and assess CES, and examples of how policies have been designed at a range of institutional types to incorporate CES in to tenure and promotion guidelines.
To suggest additions to the repository, please contact the collection curator, Clayton Hurd, at [email protected].
Section 1. What is Community-Engaged Scholarship?
We define the Community Engaged Scholarship (CES) as the creation and dissemination of new knowledge to address social issues through collaborative relationships and shared activity between those in the university and those outside the university that are grounded in qualities of reciprocity, mutual respect, shared authority, and co-creation.
Knowledge, in this sense, is conceived of as transdisciplinary (transcending the disciplines and the college or university) and asset-based (where the strengths, skills, and knowledges of those in the community are validated and legitimized).
One important manifestation of CES is community-engaged research. While such research falls under a broader category of public scholarship (often framed as scholarly and creative activities that are public-facing and oriented toward problem-solving), CES is further defined by its essential grounding in relationships of shared knowledge production with those outside the university and its emphasis on qualities of reciprocity, mutual respect, shared authority, and co-creation. In this sense, CES is not simply “applied research” where knowledge is generated within the college or university and applied externally to a community. Instead, the collaborative and transdisciplinary orientation of CES brings together academic knowledge and community-based knowledge to generate new knowledge and address social issues in communities.
As with all research, CES requires rigorous evaluation to assess quality. This includes review by knowledge experts. However, with CES, the peer review processes is often reframed due to the recognition that, in certain circumstances, experts will include community collaborators who may or may not have extensive academic credentials.
Finally, CES aims for impact beyond publication in specialized academic journals and the number of citations in faculty publications. Research that is community engaged aims for the advancement and utilization of knowledge with societally-relevant outcomes and therefore is inclusive of a range of products that have value and relevance to public audiences.
While research is an important feature of CES, it should not be considered synonymous with it. Faculty take part in a broader range of creative intellectual work in the name of community engagement, collaborating with community partners outside the campus for the purposes of addressing community issues, improving teaching and learning, creating new and relevant knowledge, and developing civic learning opportunities associated with the public relevance of disciplines. Indeed, these scholarly activities connect the core functions of higher education – the generation and dissemination of knowledge – to the needs of the public. In this sense community engagement can be clearly articulated, and should be valued and rewarded, in all areas of faculty scholarly work, including teaching, research and creative activity, and service.
Section 2: How to Make the Case for Community-Engaged Scholarship
Key Readings and Resources
- Calleson, D.C., Jordan, C., and Seifer, SD. (2005). Community-Engaged Scholarship: Is Faculty Work in Communities a True Academic Enterprise? Academic Medicine, Vol. 80, No. 4. 317-321.
- Cavallaro, Claire C. (2016). Recognizing Engaged Scholarship in Faculty Reward Structures: Challenges and Progress. Metropolitan Universities Journal 27(2), Summer 2016.
- Changfoot, Nadine. (2020). Engaged Scholarship in Tenure and Promotion: Autoethnographic Insights from the Fault Lines of a Shifting Landscape. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 26(1). 26.10.3998/mjcsloa.3239521.0026.114.
- Doberneck, D.M. (2011) Engaged scholarship and promotion and tenure at Michigan State University: What do we know? PowerPoint presentation at The Research University Civic Engagement Network (TRUCEN) annual meeting.
- Doberneck, D.M., Glass, C.R., & Schweitzer, J.H. (2011). Convening constructive conversations about engaged scholarship in promotion and tenure. National Outreach Scholarship Conference 2011. Michigan State University, University Outreach and Engagement. 1-20.
- Doberneck, D. M., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012). Disciplinary differences in engaged scholarship: What research tells us. Proceedings from the 13th Annual National Outreach Scholarship Conference.
- Dowdy, D. W. & Pai, M. (2012). Bridging the gap between knowledge and health: The epidemiologist as accountable health advocate (“AHA!”). Epidemiology, 23(6), 914-918.
- Ellingson, L. L. & Quinlan, M. M. (2012). Beyond the research/service dichotomy: Claiming all research products for hiring, evaluation, tenure, and promotion. Qualitative Communication Research, 1(3), 385-399.
- Ellison, J & Eatman, T. (2008). Scholarship in public: Knowledge creation and tenure policy in the engaged university, Imagining America, Syracuse University.
- Freeman E, Gust S, Aloshen D. (2009). Why faculty promotion and tenure matters to community partners. Metropolitan Universities Journal; 20(2), 87-103.
- Foster, K.M. (2010). Taking a stand: Community-engaged scholarship on the tenure track. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 3(2), 20-30.
- Institute for Community & Economic Engagement at UNCG. Scholarly Resources. [see section on Tenure and Promotion]. Accessed November 15, 2019.
- Jackson, E.T., Schwartz, K., Andree, P. (2008). Aligning tenure and promotion procedures for community-university engagement: Dialogue for action.
- Jordan C. (2006). Developing criteria for review of community- engaged scholars for promotion or tenure. Community- Engaged Scholarship for Health Collaborative.
- Lambert-Pennington, K. (2016). Promoting Engaged Scholars: Matching Tenure Policy and Scholarly Practice. Metropolitan Universities Journal, 27(2): 50-58.
- Scott, J. (2007). Engaging academia in community research: Overcoming obstacles and providing incentives, Center for Urban and Environmental Solutions (CUES), Florida Atlantic University
- Stanton, T. (2007). New Times Demand New Scholarship: Research Universities and Civic Engagement – Opportunities and Challenges. Campus Compact.
- Welch, Marshall (2016). Engaging Higher Education: Purpose, Platforms, and Programs for Community Engagement. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Section 3. How to Create Incentives for CES in Faculty Rewards
Key Readings and Resources
- Krissoff Boehm, L. & Larrivee, L. S. (2016). Promoting a Culture of Engaged Scholarship and Mentoring Junior Faculty in the Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion Process at a ‘Teaching First’ University. Metropolitan Universities 27(2), Summer 2016, 7-18, DOI: 10.18060/21123
- Cavallero, C. (2016) [guest editor]. Recognizing Engaged Scholarship in Faculty Reward Structures: Challenges and Progress [special issue]. Metropolitan Universities 27(2).
- Commission on Community-Engaged Scholarship in the Health Professions. (2005). Linking scholarship and communities: Report of the Commission on Community-Engaged Scholarship in the Health Professions. Seattle: Community-Campus Partnerships for Health.
- Saltmarsh, J. & Wooding, J. (2016). Rewarding Community-Engaged Scholarship: A State University System Approach. Metropolitan Universities 27(2), Summer 2016, 74-86, DOI: 10.18060/21128
- William T. Grant Foundation (2021). How We Embraced the Challenge of Institutional Change to Pave the Way for Community-Engaged Research. Blog entry published on June 28, 2021. Accessed June 30, 2021.
Section 4. How to Evaluate CES
Key Readings and Resources
Abel, S., & Williams, R. (2019). The guide: Documenting, evaluating, and recognizing engaged scholarship. Purdue University Office of Engagement, 1-38. Retrieved from
Clearinghouse and National Review Board for the Scholarship of Engagement (2002). Evaluation criteria for the scholarship of engagement. - Franz, N. K. (2011). Tips for Constructing a Promotion and Tenure Dossier that Documents Engaged Scholarship Endeavors. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 15(3), 15-29.
- Jordan C. (2006). Developing criteria for review of community- engaged scholars for promotion or tenure. Community- Engaged Scholarship for Health Collaborative.
- Jordan, C.M., Wong, K.A., Jungnickel, P.W. Joosten, Y.A., Leugers, R.C., and Shields, S.L. (2009). The Community-Engaged Scholarship Review, Promotion, and Tenure Package: A Guide for Faculty and Committee Members. Metropolitan Universities, Vol 20, No 2.
- Michigan State University Committee on Evaluating Quality Outreach. (2009). Points of distinction: A guidebook for planning & evaluating quality outreach, Michigan State University.
- O’Meara, K., Eatman, T., and Petersen, S. (2015). Advancing Engaged Scholarship in Promotion and Tenure: A Roadmap and Call for Reform. Liberal Education
- Staub, S. & Maharramli, B. (2021). Recognizing Community-Engaged Scholarship in Academic Personnel Review: Advancing UCLA Global and Local Engagement Strategic Priorities. Los Angeles: UCLA Center for Community Engagement.
- Working Group on Evaluating Public History Scholarship (Sept 2010). Working Group Issues Tenure, Promotion, and the Publicly Engaged Academic Historian Report. Perspectives on History: The Magazine of the American Historical Association.
Section 5. How to Revise Promotion and Tenure Policies
Key Readings and Resources:
- Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities. Tenure and Promotion Policy. Accessed May 8, 2022 at:
- Cavallaro, Claire C. (2016). Recognizing Engaged Scholarship in Faculty Reward Structures: Challenges and Progress. Metropolitan Universities Journal 27(2), Summer 2016.
- Commission on Community-Engaged Scholarship in the Health Professions. (2005). Linking scholarship and communities: Report of the Commission on Community-Engaged Scholarship in the Health Professions. Seattle: Community-Campus Partnerships for Health.
- Janke, E., Saltmarsh, J., Jenkins, I., & Quan, M. (March 2019). Incorporating Community Engagement in Faculty Reward Policies ( Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference, Providence, RI.
- Jordan, Cathy, compiler (2006). Developing Criteria for Review of Community-Engaged Scholars for Promotion or Tenure: Background Information. Compiled by Cathy Jordan, Chair, Peer Review Workgroup, Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health Collaborative. February 2006
- Michigan State University (2001). Assessment of Impact of Embedding of Outreach and Engagement in the 2001 Revision of the Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Review Form
- O’Meara, K., Eatman, T., and Petersen, S. (2015). Advancing Engaged Scholarship in Promotion and Tenure: A Roadmap and Call for Reform. Liberal Education
- *Task Force on the Institutionalization of Public Sociology (2007). Standards of public sociology: Guidelines for use by academic departments in personnel reviews.
- William T. Grant Foundation (2021). How We Embraced the Challenge of Institutional Change to Pave the Way for Community-Engaged Research. Blog entry published on June 28, 2021. Accessed June 30, 2021.
Section 6. Tools and Strategies for Engaged Scholars to make their own case in T&P
- Calleson D, Kauper-Brown J, Seifer SD. (2005). Community-Engaged Scholarship Toolkit. Seattle: Community-Campus Partnerships for Health.
- Forester, J. & Sims Bartel, A. (2022). Writing and Publishing Community-engaged Scholarship: Advice for Junior Faculty on Promotion, Publishing and Craft . Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education, 14(2).
- Franz, N. K. (2011). Tips for Constructing a Promotion and Tenure Dossier that Documents Engaged Scholarship Endeavors. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 15(3), 15-29.
- Institute for Community & Economic Engagement at UNCG. Scholarly Resources. [see section on "Disciplinary Resources for Promotion and Tenure"]. Accessed May 26, 2022.
- Janke, E., Morrison, S., Brooks, D., Carlin, A., Dixon, C., Nichols, T., Parsons, A., Stamp, K., and Weaver, G. (January 26, 2021). Writing Your COVID Context Statement: A Worksheet for Examining and Articulating the Effects of COVID-19 on Faculty Academic Work Roles. University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
- Jordan, C. (2009). Practical Tools for overcoming the challenges of advancing your career as an engaged scholar. Original TRUCEN Engaged Scholarship Toolkit
- Jordan C. (2006). Developing criteria for review of community- engaged scholars for promotion or tenure. Community- Engaged Scholarship for Health Collaborative.
- Jordan, C.M., Wong, K.A., Jungnickel, P.W. Joosten, Y.A., Leugers, R.C., and Shields, S.L. (2009). The Community-Engaged Scholarship Review, Promotion, and Tenure Package: A Guide for Faculty and Committee Members. Metropolitan Universities, Vol 20, No 2.
Section 7. T & P Policy Exemplars
Updated April 2020
California State University-Monterey Bay
- Interim Tenure Criteria (1995)
College of Charleston
Elon College
Golden Gate University
Kansas State University
Kennesaw State University
Michigan State University
- Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure. National Collaborative for the Study of University Engagement (2006)
Middle Tennessee State
Nicholls State University
North Carolina State University
Sam Houston State University
Southern Arkansas University
University of California-Davis
University of California-San Diego
University of Georgia
University of Illinois
University of Memphis
- Report on Faculty Roles and Rewards. Definitions. Recommendations for Faculty Awards on Service (1995)
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- University-wide Evaluation Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure (2010)
- School of Health and Human Sciences: The Academic Professional Track - Policies, Guidelines, and Procedures (2019)
University of Utah
*University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Social Sciences: Statement of Criteria and Evidence for Recommendations Regarding Tenure (2020)
- Physical Sciences: Guidelines for Recommendations for Promotion or Appointment to Tenure (2020)
- Biological Sciences: Guidelines for Recommendations for Promotion or Appointment to Tenure (2020)
- Arts and Humanities: Recommendations for Positions Involving Tenure (2020)
University of South Florida
University of Victoria
- Recognizing excellence in community–engaged scholarship: Guidelines for promotion and tenure decisions. Office of Community-Based Research (2017)