Executive Summary Indiana University Southeast (IUS) located in New Albany, IN has a history of meeting the needs of the region and surrounding community stretching back to its inception. The institution founded in 1941 had as its mission to provide access to education closer to home for residents in and around southeast Indiana. Unable to attend college in Kentucky due to racial segregation, its first student would cross the river from Louisville to enroll. Today, the tradition of community benefit continues through programs, projects, and collaborations across every academic unit on campus and affecting local, regional, national and global communities. IU Southeast is one of five regional campuses of Indiana University. The university is also a part of the larger Indiana University system and a part of the uniquely collaborative structure of the Regional Campuses of Indiana University. Considering this context, the Civic Action Plan (CAP) parallel initiatives already in place at the system, regional and campus level. The CAP will serve as the strategic plan for the Office of Service Learning and Community Engagement and provide a roadmap for deepening and expanding our community engagement work. Developing the plan provided an opportunity for campus stakeholders (students, faculty, community, administrators and staff) to highlight what we are doing and to develop ways to contribute to the betterment of our campus and the community. This CAP built on strengthening and sustaining an infrastructure for civic engagement takes advantage of the momentum occurring throughout the IU system. The Plan aligns with the strategic direction of IUS, the exciting work occurring in the local community through Align Southern Indiana and the five commitments of the 20th Anniversary Action Statements. The following are examples of key action items linked to the Civic Action Statements that are part of the Plan:
- Co-create mutually respectful partnerships by increasing the number of faculty and students working on Align Southern Indiana Teams.
- Prepare students for lives of engaged citizenship by increasing the number of students participating in service learning courses and volunteering in the community.
- Contribute to the health and strength of our communities by increasing the number of community partnerships and support for work of the community to improve quality of life.
- Harness the capacity of our institution by co-creating, developing and receiving grants to support community engagement activities.
- Affirm the centrality of public purpose of higher education by assessing impact and using data as evidence of living the mission of the institution.