Using a conversational voice, the authors provide a foundation as well as a blueprint and tools to craft a community-engaged course. Based on extensive research, the book provides a scope and sequence of information and skills ranging from an introduction to community engagement, to designing, implementing, and assessing a course, to advancing the craft to prepare for promotion and tenure as well as how to become a citizen-scholar and reflective practitioner. An interactive workbook that can be downloaded from Campus Compact accompanies this tool kit (Download link below) with interactive activities that are interspersed throughout the chapters. The book and workbook can be used by individual readers or with a learning community.
Outline of the Book
Table of Contents:
Foreword--Elaine K. Ikeda
Part One: Laying the Foundations
1) Being an Engaged Scholar and Doing Engaged Scholarship
2) Theoretical Frameworks for Engaged Teaching and Learning
3) Forms of Community-Engaged Pedagogy
4) Community
5) Intercultural Competence, Cultural Humility, and Critical Consciousness
Part Two: Drawing the Blueprint and Using the Tools
6) Objectives
7) Partnerships
8) Engagement
9) Reflection
10) Assessment
Part Three: Advancing the Craft
11) Scholarship
12) Preparing for Performance Review
13) Mentoring and Coaching Colleagues
14) Influencing Institutional Change
15) The Citizen Scholar
16) The Reflective Practitioner
About the Authors
Download Companion Guide: A Toolkit for Crafting Community Engagement"
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Title Of File Or Publication :
A TOOL KIT FOR CRAFTING COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: A Companion Guide for Professional Development