This manual has been created as a tool to assist in your preparation for working with youth as a College Positive Volunteer. It is intended to be as encompassing as possible but is not inclusive of all possibilities and tools that exist for working with K-12 students. As a CPV, the main focus is stimulating student awareness of the opportunities college affords, sharing strategies for college preparedness, and encouraging students to pursue a college education. Every time you engage a student as a CPV, it is crucial to remain flexible. You will likely need to utilize various strategies as you build a relationship with a student. The tools and strategies outlined in this manual provide a guide to support a positive experience as a CPV.
The original College Positive Volunteerism Toolkit was written by Kim M. Davis, Ph.D., a faculty fellow for Michigan Campus Compact and King-Chavez-Parks Initiative. The director for the pilot project was Michelle Snitgen. This Toolkit was revised and edited in 2012 by Paul Hernandez, Ph.D. and Karla Loebick. The director for the revised project was Renee Miller Zientek.