Launched in 2003, the Buckley Public Service Scholars program provides a framework for students at UNC Chapel Hill who are interested in developing their commitment and capacity to serve. The Buckley Public Service Scholars program incorporates a commitment to public service along with structured training and reflection on that service. To successfully complete the program, the student must complete and log:
- A BPSS orientation session
- 300 hours of public service
- One service-learning course
- Four approved skills trainings
- A senior reflection activity
- Minimum cumulative GPA (of 3.0 or above Buckley Public Service Scholar and 2.5-2.9 for Special Recognition in Public Service)
Throughout the program, students log their progress in the Buckley Portfolio, a database system that allows you to keep accurate records of their service involvement and training. Upon successful completion of the program, Buckley Public Service Scholars are recognized at a special graduation ceremony and receive a public service cord and notation on their transcript. For more information, visit our webpage: