Now Available: Three new Micro-Credentials

Campus Compact is pleased to announce three new micro-credentials as part of the Community Engagement Professional Credentialing Program.
  • Supporting Engaged Faculty Development Earn this micro-credential by demonstrating an ability to effectively support and facilitate professional development related to community-engaged learning and research.
  • Community-Engaged Learning and Teaching Earn this micro-credential by demonstrating an ability to effectively facilitate curricular, community-engaged learning experiences that are beneficial to students and community.
  • Engaged Research Earn this micro-credential by effectively demonstrating the knowledge, skills, and critical commitments that must be mobilized by CEPs who engage in ethical and reciprocal research with communities.
Apply today for these or our two existing micro-credentials, Community Partnerships and Community Engagement Fundamentals, to begin your progress toward becoming a Campus Compact-certified Community Engagement Professional. The first enrollment period of the year opened January 15 and will run through May 15. Be sure to start your application now! Learn more at