Guest Bloggers Upcoming! Special GSL Series

More than fifty global service-learning (GSL) scholars and practitioners responded to the call for papers for the GSL special section in the Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning (MJCSL). In the spirit of field-building, reflective thinking, and sharing, several of those individuals have agreed to share reflective posts and program descriptions here. In the coming weeks we will feature guest blog posts from: As a website dedicated to field-building, knowledge mobilization, and reflective dialogue relating to global community-university partnerships, we are always eager to hear from guest bloggers. Guidelines are here. MJCSL Editor Jeff Howard gave us permission to share the introduction to the special section in the current issue of the journal here (Hartman & Kiely). The print version of the journal also features articles from Nora Pillard Reynolds of Water for Waslala and Temple University (also a team member and regular contributor) as well as Janice McMillan (University of Cape Town) writing with Tim Stanton (Stanford University). McMillan and Stanton have shared their syllabi examples here. In our work and in the call for papers in the Michigan Journal, we define GSL as:

a community-driven service experience that employs structured, critically reflective practice to better understand common human dignity; self; culture; positionality; socio-economic, political, and environmental issues; power relations; and social responsibility, all in global contexts.

In the introduction to the special section, we suggest there are five characteristics that make GSL distinctive. These characteristics include:
  1. GSL is committed to student intercultural competence development
  2. GSL has a focus on structural analysis tied to consideration of power, privilege, and hegemonic assumptions
  3. GSL takes place within a global marketization of volunteerism
  4. GSL is typically immersive
  5. GSL engages the critical global civic and moral imagination
For further explanation, please visit the introduction in full. To comment or critique, please offer your thoughts below of propose a guest blog. As always, thank you for reading and contributing.