Global-local, critical and consequential, community-driven, discursive, and applied: The Clemson Summit

There is still time to register for the 6thGlobal Service-Learning Summit, Nov 3 - 5, at Clemson University. Globalsl values permeate the gathering, which is:   Global-Local: The Opening Plenary features scholar-practitioners and community leaders working to advance inclusion in Upstate South Carolina through Alianza Hispana Spartanburg. Their work clarifies the globality of local action, builds on and emphasizes community strengths and assets, and will invite audience members into dialogue.   Critical - and Consequential: On Day 2, The Global Health Plenary builds on years of clear critique and organizing work to improve campus commitments to high-quality preparation for global health experiences all around the world. Panelists from the University of Minnesota, Johns Hopkins University, Child Family Health International, and the Ethics of Help Initiative will share how they have moved institutional systems toward positive change.    Community-driven: Through Globalsl Scholarships, Clemson commitments, and other organizing, we were able to mobilize more than $20,000 to support participation from community based organizations and residents of the Global South. These moves enable participation from residents of Ghana, India, Guatemala, The Dominican Republic, Barbados, Zambia, Kenya, & Mexico, and economically marginalized locations in the United States. We hope to continue to do more in this area, but are grateful for the value our network places on deliberately diversifying these spaces of professional development, critical inquiry, movement-building, and knowledge production.  Discursive: Through the Summit proposal and review process, session facilitators and presenters are expected to commit significant time to discussion during their workshops. Additionally, a portion of happy hour on day 1, as well as lunch (provided) and dinner (on your own) on day 2, are deliberately unprogrammed, leaving spaces to connect throughout the gathering. If you’re new to this community, don’t worry! An intro session on Monday the 4th at 9 am is designed to provide you with background and opportunities for connection. Finally, regarding the critical questions of how to move this network forward for more and better advocacy and activism to stoke structural changes in higher education and community-campus partnerships, this Summit is -  Applied: New this year, next step conversations are baked through the Summit. The Globalsl Network has surveyed stakeholders regarding next steps, and will report on strategic insights before the gathering, while scheduling feedback and brainstorming opportunities during a concurrent session on Monday the 4th, from 12:45 - 2:00. Additionally, the closing session will focus on the shared work we can all take up improve community-campus contributions to building just, inclusive, sustainable communities.     If you’ve already registered, be sure you have your accommodations too. And if you’re new to community-based global learning, check out this pre-conference opportunity. See you there!