I've been inspired by Imagining America (IA), which works to create "democratic spaces to foster and advance publicly engaged scholarship that draws on arts, humanities, and design." Public, Imagining America's Journal, has a call for submissions on Globally Engaged Scholarship and Creative Practice. That call, combined with some of my own work, has caused me to wonder about how we use art to expand the moral imagination. I ask that question here, using the photo / text / voice reflective format possible on Cowbird. Next week I'll share some of my own response to the question. Here or on Cowbird (where adding one photo and text is free), I would love to see reflections from other artists, educators, and citizens considering their own artistic engagements with the possible. Please share some of your own thoughts. If we're lucky, perhaps we'll get the chance to point to your reflection in Imagining America's upcoming special issue.