7th Annual Cornell Global Service-Learning Institute: November 5 - 7
Advancing Community Driven Global Service-Learning: Promising Practices
Cornell University, New York Campus Compact, Amizade Global Service-Learning
The 7th annual Global Service-Learning Institute will build upon established institute strengths in global service-learning pedagogy and program development, while also integrating more explicit attention to best practices in community-based planning, community development, and movement-building within global service-learning. This year's Institute will feature Patti Clayton, a national expert on community and civic engagement, and a focus on assessment strategies and linking assessment to learning outcomes.
The GSLI provides the space, time, and faculty consultation to enable new and seasoned service-learning faculty to deepen their practice and understanding of service-learning pedagogy in an international setting. The GSLI also provides the opportunity to workshop global service-learning programs, along with deep collaboration, dialogue with, and learning from like-minded peers. Join us in the beautiful upstate NY village of Skaneateles, NY, for this unique retreat.
For more information and an agenda visit the conference homepage or simply register here.