From the president
Kania Campbell, a junior at the University of Denver, is a first-generation college student and a campus leader active in addressing issues of environmental justice. She has worked closely with numerous campus groups to advocate for divestment from fossil fuels, and to support DU’s food pantry, thrift store, and zero-waste initiatives. Ms. Campbell's environmental work is just one facet of her dedication to organizing her community to combat and dismantle complex systems of oppression. In addition to her environmental work, she has been active in community groups to support the rights of people in immigration detention, including efforts to advocate against misconduct in detention centers. Ms. Campbell applies her critical, creative, and systems thinking to engage her community in efforts to co-create a more just and joyful world. After completing her bachelor's degree, she plans to attend law school and pursue a legal career combating environmental injustice.
Personal Statement
An important part of my undergraduate career has been learning about systems of oppression and how communities can collectively dismantle them. As a child, I saw many different injustices within education, incarceration, and healthcare all impacting my family in ways that I wanted to change. These issues were all interconnected and I learned that I can lead others in building stronger networks to fix these problems. I took community organizing classes on campus that helped me shift the narrative. I joined a student organization, DIVEST DU, to help create a campus dialogue about investment in fossil fuels. We protested and got over 100 emails sent to our Board of Trustees within a few days demanding divestment. I joined local organizations like Casa de Paz, where I visited men in immigration detention. They faced isolation and disrespect toward their religious identities within the center. I created trusting relationships with them, allowing me to advocate against misconduct within the center. I now facilitate a visitation program for women who are facing the same inhumane conditions in detention facilities in the area. I will continue working to create community relationships that result in the future we collectively create.