From the president
Joseph Black, a first-year Latinx student at Holyoke Community College, is a student leader actively addressing conservation issues. In both the STEM Scholars program and his Honors Colloquium course, Joseph is working on campus and community sustainability and Earth Day clean up efforts. He is excited to be able to work with other young people and a mentor to bridge his interests in environmental science with social justice and community organizing. Currently, he is interested in both an academic and community-based understanding of how to bridge environmental science with the areas of environmental justice, environmental health, anti-racism, and community organizing. Joseph is excited to create community-centered projects on and off campus to leave a lasting impact on his community.
Personal Statement
My love for nature has always been paramount in my life, especially growing up. In a small town with little money, the best way to pass the time was in the woods. Spending my afternoons surrounded by forest led to a deep adoration of the natural world, and how it affects the surrounding society. From raising money for endangered local species to river cleanups, I participated in as much advocacy for the environment as a kid could. But now, I am old enough to contribute a loud and active voice in communities. I want to use the skills and resources that schooling gives me to place better environmental protections for locals, raise awareness about issues that are actively impacting us, and ensure that higher-risk populations have their rights preserved.