This study conducted focus groups with 31 disadvantaged women who participated in a CBPR-driven randomized controlled trial (RCT), to explore their study experiences. Analysis revealed that the tailored health questionnaire, treatment by study staff members, and RCT participants’ understandings of and responses to randomization were salient to what the women described as transformative experiences that occurred during the RCT. These findings have implications for understanding how CBPR and non-CBPR aspects of interventions and study designs have the potential to affect both process and endpoint study outcomes.

Kneipp, S. M., Lutz, B. J., Levonian, C., Cook, C., Hamilton, J.B., & Roberson, D. (2013). Women's experiences in a community-based participatory research randomized controlled trial. Qualitative Health Research, 23(6), 847–860. Full Text.