The Evergreen State College's history demonstrates a substantial commitment to community service in academic programs and in the personal lives of faculty and staff. The five foci of Evergreen's pedagogy and curriculum (interdisciplinary study, personal engagement in learning, linking theory and practice, collaborative work, and teaching across significant differences) are integral to community-based learning. In May 1998, a Task Force studying community-based learning at Evergreen found that:
- In a typical year, over 800 students earn credit through internships.
- 46% of faculty respondents said they include community-based projects in their curriculum.
- 68% of faculty respondents include other forms of community service, such as service projects or volunteer work, in their programs.
- 90% of faculty respondents and 95% of staff respondents are involved in community service work.
One example of community-based learning at Evergreen is at our Tacoma campus, whose motto is: "Enter to Learn, Depart to Serve." Every senior at the Evergreen-Tacoma campus is required to complete a public service project as a condition of graduation.