Photovoice, a CBPR methodology, is one way to effectively engage youth in the assessment of substance abuse and prevention initiatives. This paper describes “Our Community in Focus”, a community-based assessment of youth substance use and abuse that employed photovoice methodology with high school participants. Prompted with the question, “What contributes to adolescents’ decisions to use or not to use alcohol and other drugs?” participants captured compelling photos to reflect community strengths and concerns relating to substance abuse. The authors explore the findings of the research and offer conclusions about photovoice as an effective tool to engage youth in community-assessment projects.
Brazg, T., Bekemeier, B., Spigner, C., & Huebner, C.E. (2011). Our community in focus: The use of photovoice for youth-driven substance abuse assessment and health promotion. Health Promotion Practice, 12(4), 502-511. Full Text.