The purpose of this study was to determine what factors really matter to faculty at a teaching institution in deciding whether or not to use community-based learning (CBL) in their classrooms. The Web-based Faculty Service Learning Beliefs Inventory (wFSLBI), developed and used with faculty at a research university, was administered to faculty at a teaching institution. Analyses of 142 respondents revealed that faculty involved in CBL perceived fewer classroom barriers than non-CBL faculty. Faculty with more CBL experience perceived more classroom benefits for CBL and reported having more administrators, colleagues, and community members that supported them compared to less experienced CBL faculty. Contingent faculty were less aware of services and resources supporting CBL than tenured/tenure track faculty.
Russell-Stamp, Melinda (2015). Faculty Use of Community-Based Learning: What Factors Really Matter? Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, v21 n2 p37-48 Spr 2015