COURSE DESCRIPTION: The “OVU EcH2O Water Purification Research Project” will underpin the study of water sciences in this course. Students will study the hydrological cycle, water chemistry, environmental pollution and control, water contamination and methods for water purification. All students will be expected to demonstrate a mastery of all topics through successful completion of quizzes, problem sets, and exams as well as a water purification design assignment.
Table 1 Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Standards Addressed
Articulate the knowledge and skills of contemporary science
NSTA 1.A, 1.B., 1.C., 1.D, and 1.E
Class discussion, peer presentations, and research paper
Quizzes, assignments, tests, rubrics
Relate chemistry and water quality to the community
NSTA 7.A. and 7.B.
Case studies
Maintain a safe learning environment
NSTA 9.A, 9.B., 9.C., and 9.D
Class participation
COURSE OBJECTIVES My goals for the course are for students to: - Know the hydrological cycle and its role in water availability for existence of life. - Apply the scientific method for modeling water contamination and decontamination. - Generate, analyze, interpret, validate and document water and environmental data using the EcH2O water purification technology.