Seeking Host Sites for the Campus Compact VISTA Program

In partnership with AmeriCorps, Campus Compact is pleased to announce the AmeriCorps VISTA Host Site request for proposals for the 2022-23 program year is now available. Applications are due on or before 11:59 pm on January 19, 2022.

Campus Compact has a long history of partnering with national service programming to further anti-poverty and civic engagement work on campuses and in communities. Our host sites’ VISTA projects are developed in accordance with AmeriCorps VISTA’s core principles: an antipoverty focus, community empowerment, sustainable solutions, and capacity building.

AmeriCorps members serving with the Campus Compact VISTA program build capacity for high impact programs, organizational approaches, and collective impact efforts in one of the following areas: education, healthy futures, economic opportunity, Veterans/military families, and environmental stewardship.

Campus Compact VISTA expects the 2022-2023 AmeriCorps members to serve either July 18, 2022-July 17, 2023 or August 1, 2022-July 31, 2023.

For the 2022-2023 grant cycle, applications are invited from Campus Compact members and partners from across the country. In some states, Campus Compact affiliate offices may offer VISTA programs that support local needs. Members from these states should participate in local programming. If you’re unsure whether your state offers a local VISTA program, contact Lindsey Ravizza at [email protected] for more information.

Applications are due on or before 11:59 pm on January 19, 2022 and all final awards are subject to appropriations and approval from AmeriCorps.

Learn more about the benefits and requirements involved in hosting a VISTA project with Campus Compact.