Earth Day Call to Action: Combatting Plastic Pollution for a Greener Future

On Earth Day, let's reflect on our responsibility to protect the planet by joining the global movement, "Planet vs Plastics," aiming to reduce plastic production by 60% by 2040, and take action such as participating in waste clean-ups, reducing plastic usage, initiating climate conversations, setting climate action goals, and exploring opportunities with the Campus Climate Action Corps (CCAC) to create a sustainable future for all.

Happy Earth Day! As we celebrate Earth Day today, let's reflect on the beauty of our planet and on our responsibility to protect it. Earth Day, a global movement since 1970, urges us to protect our planet. This year's theme, "Planet vs Plastics," emphasizes the urgent need to curb plastic production by 60% by 2040.

Follow along all week as our Campus Climate Action Corps team shares tips and tricks that can help you be a better steward of our environment.

Take Action Today to Make a Difference in our environment!

Join a Waste Clean-Up: A global Earth Day favorite because of how accessible and community-oriented clean-ups are! Use this link to find a waste clean-up to participate in today (and any other day) to help stop plastics from further polluting our land and water!

Say No to Plastics: make a commitment to reduce your plastic usage starting today by:

  • Bringing your own reusable cups and containers instead of opting for single-use plastic
  • Investing in affordable reusable covers for leftovers or making your own
  • Transitioning to eco-conscious brands that use recycled plastic or none at all, especially for self-case products like shampoo, conditioner, and soap bars.

Initiate Meaningful Climate Conversations: Drive change by initiating discussions about climate change. Use the following tips to start productive conversations:

  • Connect your personal experiences with climate change
  • Reflect on how climate change could impact what matters most to you.
  • Acknowledge the range of emotions associated with climate change and aim for solution-oriented discussions focused on actionable issues

Create a ‘Climate Action Goals’ List: Kick-start your journey towards climate action by setting achievable goals today and continuing them for as long as possible. Remember, every small action counts! Here are some examples to help you get started:

  • Prioritize shopping from local, second-hand, thrift, and sustainability-minded businesses
  • Substitute single-use plastic bags with reusable bags for shopping
  • Reduce meat consumption
  • Turn off or unplug lights  and electronics when not in use
  • Find a zero-waste store near you! Visit to find sources for food and home goods that use sustainable packaging. 
  • Visit to explore ways to improve your home energy efficiency, save money on your energy bills, and reduce your carbon emissions. 

Want to make an impact every day? Explore opportunities with CCAC:

  • Interested in becoming a host site? Participate in our upcoming virtual Host Site Information Session on either April 29th or May 7th. Discover more about the program, the application process, and the advantages your campus can gain from involvement in CCAC! Apply to become a host site.
  • Become a Climate Action Leader: Are you passionate about environmental stewardship? Apply to become a Climate Action Leader for the 2024-25 term and join the CCAC AmeriCorps team. Learn more and apply here.

Did you know that the Campus Climate Action Corps (CCAC) is the first nationwide AmeriCorps program solely dedicated to campus-based, community-led climate action? CCAC empowers campuses and their community partners to make a difference by enhancing energy efficiency and preserving at-risk ecosystems in underserved areas.

CCAC focuses on supporting campus-community partnerships to:

  • Raise awareness and address urgent climate issues in underserved communities
  • Lower energy use and costs for low-income households
  • Improve at-risk ecosystems in underserved areas
  • Support and enhance green job pathways

Stay informed and connected with CCAC by subscribing to our mailing list. Follow Campus Compact on Instagram to stay up-to-date with Campus Climate Action Corps.

Together, we can create a sustainable future for all. Happy Earth Day!