From the president
Shaunice Afriyieb, a sophomore, economics major, and deaf studies minor at the College of the Holy Cross, was selected for the fellowship in recognition of her extensive community engagement, dedication to diversity and inclusion efforts and leadership potential. At Holy Cross, Shaunice serves as a leader in Holy Cross’ Passport program and Black Student Union. Additionally, Shaunice has worked locally with higher education institutions, churches, and afterschool programs to mentor and empower youth. Shaunice seeks to grow in her leadership skills through gaining critical civic engagement expertise and pursuing opportunities to address issues of equity and justice. Shaunice has a desire to change systems and structures, particularly around economic equality and disparities in education.
Personal Statement
Growing up, my family moved frequently and through this experience, I was able to meet all kinds of people throughout the little state of RI. Though this was a burden as a child, I now consider it a privilege to have extended familiarity and concern with numerous communities. Experiencing the highs and lows of economic inequality, particularly educational disparities, tested my Christian commitment to "love thy neighbor" by redefining who my neighbor is and what it means to be neighborly. People who do not receive a quality education confront significant obstacles to employment and economic productivity later in life which endangers their ability to influence society and themselves for the better, thus continuing a broken cycle of poverty. However, these are not simply random people, they are the very real lives of our family, friends, peers, and neighbors. Understanding how such inequality erodes the connections within and between communities, I faithfully commit myself to building and being a bridge. My work extends beyond my resume, but the privileged positions that I hold allow me to speak with the relevant figures who can help the community's experience. Everywhere I reside is my home, and everyone in these communities is my neighbor.