From the president
Anita K. Gándara ’24 is passionate about the issues of equity and social justice in her own communities, our nation, and around the world. She has worked using her formal leadership roles in Pi Beta Phi and Greek Life, and informally, to organize her peers to perform this work of social justice in our own campus community. This includes participation in a women’s empowerment program, mentorship of incoming students, and participating in organizing meetings to address the important issues our campus sometimes faces. Currently, she is working on developing an allyship program to support efforts of equity and inclusion. In her time here at Monmouth College, Anita has emerged as one of the most significant leaders of her generation, directing all of our attention to the needs of underrepresented students on campus, and in particular to the specific needs of those with intersectional identity.
Personal Statement
Growing up in inner-city Chicago exposed me to civic engagement opportunities early on in my upbringing and educational experience. Engaging in local campaigns, student government initiatives, and other leadership experiences helped me learn about the injustices that occur in our communities, both in our hometowns and on college campuses. I’m very interested in the dynamics of intersectional identities it’s influence on the way people engage in social issues. My personal experience as a bisexual woman of color gives me insight into several issues that different marginalized groups face. I plan to combine my interests in communication studies and political science to create a transparent and safe space for students on campus. I hope to work with my college community to create a more transparent relationship between students and administration in providing sufficient support and resources for students of marginalized groups.