From the president

Angelynn Jimenez, a first-year student at Wilbur Wright College in Chicago, is a prolific leader on campus and within her community. A champion for access and inclusivity, Angelynn has focused on combating sexism within video gaming communities, helping her fellow Asian-Americans increase voter engagement and turnout, and advocating for more inclusive sex education in public schools. Her work has earned her accolades from leading gamer-inclusive organizations, where she has published her research findings on how sexism and ageism affect how young people are treated in video game communities. Angelynn also gives back to her local community, serving as a mentor to high school students and a volunteer at an area hospital. After she concludes her studies at Wright, Angelynn will pursue further education in public policy.


Personal Statement

I am a part of the Asian American community; I am a feminist who advocates for improving sex education in schools and for inclusivity in video game communities where young women are targeted the most. My passion for inclusivity in both physical and virtual communities has helped me produce published research on the adequacy of sex education taught to high school girls of color in Chicago Public Schools as well as action research on how sexism and ageism affect how young people are treated in video game communities. I admire how the Newman Fellowship supports young activists and will use the Fellowship to support my community in new and exciting ways.

Angelynn Jimenez

General Studies

City Colleges of Chicago-Wilbur Wright College