Over six parts, this series of webinars and related resources offers suggestions and dialogue around fundraising and resource cultivation for higher education civic and community efforts. Bringing in community engagement and development experts from institutions across the country, this series covers:
- Session 1: Building confidence and making sense of fundraising for community & civic engagement. Dr. David Weerts, a recognized expert and leader in resource development for community engagement, kicked-off the series. During this session David provided attendees with a landscape of fundraising and resource development in the community/civic engagement field. This included discussing successful strategies in the field, how to overcome challenges in working effectively with your institution’s development team, and how to build your confidence in advancing your agenda and navigating the fundraising process. Attendees were engaged in small groups and completed interactive exercises throughout the workshop.
- Session 2: Showcase of donor-funded civic and community engagement centers. Four executive directors and senior leaders shared their paths for garnering major gifts and endowments to support their centers. This included time for attendees to ask questions and dig deeper with presenters.
- Session 3: Showcase of donor-funded professorships, programs, and initiatives. During this second showcase session, participants heard from campus leaders that have successfully garnered resources for dedicated projects and professorships. Attendees also had time to ask questions and connect directly with presenters.
- Session 4: Federal earmark funding opportunities for advancing civic and community engagement. This fourth session featured field leaders who have successfully garnered federal (and in some cases also state) government appropriations to advance civic and community engagement priorities. We welcomed a government relations professional to the session to share tips and approaches for being an effective collaborator.
- Session 5: Corporate and Foundation Giving for advancing Civic and Community Engagement. This session featured leaders who have been successful in garnering and advancing corporate- and foundation-driven fundraising to advance civic and community engagement. Each of the presenters has approached the work differently and found success for moving their programs forward and creating opportunities for sustained impact with corporate and philanthropic foundations. Moderated by David Weerts.