Our plan focuses on five primary goals:
- Strengthening our current initiatives by streamlining the work of the three outreach units on the campus;
- Through an intentional and inclusive assessment process, determine faculty, staff, student, and community investment in our current initiatives, as well as community needs and interests that might lead to new initiatives;
- Ensure that our initiatives--long-standing and emerging--are truly inclusive of all those in our diverse student body and university and broader community;
- Better align our institutional practices and assessment efforts with campus-wide student learning outcomes; and
- More intentionally assess the effects of our work on the campus and broader community by researching and adopting best practices in the community development and community-based learning fields.
We will enact this plan by:
- Conducting focus groups with stakeholders and potential stakeholders;
- Hosting a stakeholder gathering to review focus group data and plan next steps;
- Intentionally improving existing and building new initiatives;
- Reviewing the processes our individual units utilize to assess community needs, the impact of our initiatives on campus-wide student learning outcomes, and the impact of our partnerships on the campus and community, in order to better streamline our work together.