This knowledge hub includes reading and resources relevant to racial equity and anti-racism work in higher education community engagement.
To add a resource to the collection, please contact Emily Phaup at
Articles/books on Race, Anti-Racism, and Community Engagement
- Becker, S., & Paul, C. (2015). “It didn’t seem like race mattered”: Exploring the implications of service-learning pedagogy for reproducing or challenging color-blind racism. Teaching Sociology 43(3), 184–200.
- Bocci, M. (2015). Service-learning and white normativity: Racial representation in service-learning’s historical narrative. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 22(1), 5-17.
- Brewster, K. R. (2019). Transformative and transformed: Examining the critical potential of service learner positional identities, Equity & Excellence in Education 51(3–4), 347–361.
- Cabrera, N. L. (2017). White immunity: Working through some of the pedagogical pitfalls of “privilege.” Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity 3(1), 78–90.
- Cabrera, N. L., Franklin, J. D., & Watson, J. S. (2016). Whiteness in higher education: The invisible missing link in diversity and racial analyses. ASHE Higher Education Report 42(6), 7–125.
- Castañeda, M., & In Krupczynski, J. (2017). Civic engagement in diverse Latinx communities: Learning from social justice partnerships in action. New York: Peter Lang.
- Endres, D. & Gould, M. (2009) “I am also in the position to use my whiteness to help them out”: The communication of whiteness in service learning, Western Journal of Communication 73(4), 418–436.
- Foste, Z. (2020). The enlightenment narrative: White student leaders’ preoccupation with racial innocence. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 13(1), 33–43.
- Foste, Z., & Jones, S. R. (2020). Narrating whiteness: A qualitative exploration of how white college students construct and give meaning to their racial location. Journal of College Student Development 61(2), 171–188.
- Green, A. E. (2003). Difficult stories: Service-learning, race, class, and white- ness. College Composition and Communication 55(2), 276–301.
- Gusa, D. L. (2010). White institutional presence: The impact of Whiteness on campus climate. Harvard Educational Review 80(4), 464–490. haer.80.4.p5j483825u110002
- Harris, J. C. (2019). Whiteness as structuring property: Multiracial women students’ social interactions at a historically white institution. The Review of Higher Education 42(3), 1023–1050.
- Irwin, L. N. & Foste, Z. (2021). Service-Learning and Racial Capitalism: On the Commodification of People of Color for White Advancement. Review of Higher Education 44(4), 419-446.
- Mitchell, T. D. (2008). Traditional vs. critical service-learning: Engaging the literature to differentiate two models. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 14(2).
- Mitchell, T. D., Donahue, D. M., & Young-Law, C. (2012). Service learning as a pedagogy of whiteness. Equity & Excellence in Education 45(4), 612-629.
- Mitchell, T. D., & Donahue, D. M. (2009). “I do more service in this class than I ever do at my site”: Paying attention to the reflections of students of color in service-learning. In J. Strait & M. Lima (Eds.), The future of service-learning: New solutions for sustaining and improving practice (pp. 172–190). Stylus. 10.1353/csd.2010.0016
- Mustaffa, J. B. (2017). Mapping violence, naming life: A history of anti-Black oppression in the higher education system. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 30(8), 711–727.
- Rose, J. & Paisley, K. (2012). White Privilege in Experiential Education: A Critical Reflection, Leisure Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 34(2), 136-154. 10.1080/01490400.2012.652505
- Santiago-Ortiz, A. (2019). From critical to decolonizing service-learning: Limits and possibilities of social justice-based approaches to community service-learning. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 24, 43-54.
- Tuck E. (2009). Suspending damage: A letter to communities. Harvard Educational Review 79(3), 409-427.
- Tuck. E. & Yang K. W. (2012). Decolonization is not a metaphor. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society 1(1), 1-40.
- Warikoo, N. K. (2016). The diversity bargain: And other dilemmas of race, admissions, and meritocracy at elite universities. University of Chicago Press.
- Webster, Nicole. (2021). Acknowledging the historical contributions of Black Youth’s civic engagement in society. Sociology Compass. 15. 10.1111/soc4.12871
- Yep, K. S., & Mitchell, T. D. (2017). Decolonizing community engagement: Re-imagining service learning through an ethnic studies lens. In C. Dolgon, T. D. Mitchell, & T. K. Eatman (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of service learning and community engagement (pp. 294–303). Cambridge University Press.
Anti-racism Resources
Reports, White Papers, and Documents
- Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (2021). Principles for Anti-Racist Community-Engaged Pedagogy.
- Salem State University, Center for Civic Engagement (2021). Principles for Anti-Racist Community Engagement Pedagogy.
Essays and/or periodicals
- Educators Who Consider Themselves ‘White Allies’ Are Dangerous When It Comes To Developing Anti-Racist Classrooms by Dr. Sana Shaikh
- Latinos need to confront their own racism, say Afro-Latinos pushing for racial equity – NBC News
- Smith College “Whistleblower” Resignation Letter
- Citing Racism and ‘Years of Bullying,’ Dena Simmons Resigns From Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence
- Black Harvard Professor Cornel West Denied Tenure Request; Threatens to Resign
- Why People of Color Need Spaces Without White People by Kelsey Blackwell
- Alexandro Gradilla – The Talk: A Journey Toward Anti-Racism
- Campus Compact (2021)
- The First Rainbow Coalition (Independent Lens)
- Real Talk for Real Change Symposia Series | Professional Learning and Community Education (PLACE) – includes 7 videos
- Co-Decolonization as Spiritual Activism: A Matter of Life and Breath, by Lorri Santamaria [TEDxOxnard]
- Color Blind or Color Brave by Mellody Hobson
- The Danger of a Single Story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race, by Jay Smooth
- What white people can do to move race conversations forward, by Caprice Hollins – TEDxSeattle
- Why You Should Not Bring Your Authentic Self to Work, by Jodi-Ann Burey
Websites & Databases
- dRworksBook – Home – Includes:
- (divorcing) WHITE SUPREMACY CULTURE: Coming Home to Who We Really Are, by Tema Okin
- White Supremacy Culture (overview, has links to videos, etc.)
- white supremacy culture*** (elements → either or thinking, paternalism, perfectionism, fear of open conflict, sense of urgency, defensiveness, perfectionism, worship of the written word, individualism, etc)
- Analysis tools (ex. Racial equity stages)
- Action tools (giving feedback, change teams & caucuses, change agent dilemmas, racial equity principles, accountability, etc.)
- Resources (ex. Tribal Equity toolkit, core racial equity toolkit, Race:the power of an illusion, A guide to Activism in the Digital Age, Racial Equity Tools | Home, etc.
- Resources for Agitators – Another database, includes information → Abolitionist Teaching, Abolition, Anti-Racist social and emotional learning, anti-racist teaching tools, podcasts, talking about race, understanding racism, etc.
- Antiracist Pedagogy Reading List – Working Document – Compiled by Andrea Aebersold, Ph.D – University of California, Irvine
- Something Happened in Our Town: A Child’s Story About Racial Injustice- Follows two families — one White, one Black — as they discuss a police shooting of a Black man in their community. The story aims to answer children’s questions about such traumatic events, and to help children identify and counter racial injustice in their own lives. The author’s have put together a one-pager to help students, parents and teachers try to understand the intent of the book.
- This is a link to a Medium article written as response to a school district in Nebraska “apologizing” to police chiefs for teachers making an “honest mistake” of using the book.
Equity Analysis Resources
- AAC&U (2018). A VISION FOR EQUITY: Results from AAC&U’s Project “Committing to Equity and Inclusive Excellence: Campus-Based Strategies for Student Success”
- AAC&U (2013). Assessing Underserved Students’ Engagement in High-Impact Practices
- AAC&U (2004). Toward a Model of Inclusive Excellence and Change in Postsecondary Institutions.
- Analysis Tools
- Equity at the Center (2019). Awake to Woke to Work: Building a Race Equity Culture
- Holley, Kip (2016). The Principles for Equitable and Inclusive Civic Engagement: A Guide to Transformative Change. Kirwin Institute, The Ohio State University.
- NADOHE (2014). National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education Standards of Professional Practice for Chief Diversity Officers
- NERCHE Self-Assessment Rubric for the Institutionalization of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Higher Education. Appendix B
- This rubric offers guidance for collecting and analyzing data on campus diversity and inclusion, creating work plans for each of six essential dimensions of campus culture, implementing the work plans, and reassessing campus efforts.
- NILOA. Equity in Assessment.
- Racial Equity Tools (2020). Community Engagement
- St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center, Inc. Resources for Racial Equity Organizational Work
DEI in Community Engagement: Additional Resources
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