
This knowledge hub includes reading and resources relevant to racial equity and anti-racism work in higher education community engagement.

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Articles/books on Race, Anti-Racism, and Community Engagement
  • Becker, S., & Paul, C. (2015). “It didn’t seem like race mattered”: Exploring the implications of service-learning pedagogy for reproducing or challenging color-blind racism. Teaching Sociology 43(3), 184–200. 
  • Bocci, M. (2015). Service-learning and white normativity: Racial representation in service-learning’s historical narrative. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 22(1), 5-17.
  • Brewster, K. R. (2019). Transformative and transformed: Examining the critical potential of service learner positional identities, Equity & Excellence in Education 51(3–4), 347–361.
  • Cabrera, N. L. (2017). White immunity: Working through some of the pedagogical pitfalls of “privilege.” Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity 3(1), 78–90.
  • Cabrera, N. L., Franklin, J. D., & Watson, J. S. (2016). Whiteness in higher education: The invisible missing link in diversity and racial analyses. ASHE Higher Education Report 42(6), 7–125.
  • Castañeda, M., & In Krupczynski, J. (2017). Civic engagement in diverse Latinx communities: Learning from social justice partnerships in action. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Endres, D. & Gould, M. (2009) “I am also in the position to use my whiteness to help them out”: The communication of whiteness in service learning, Western Journal of Communication 73(4), 418–436.  
  • Foste, Z. (2020). The enlightenment narrative: White student leaders’ preoccupation with racial innocence. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 13(1), 33–43. 
  • Foste, Z., & Jones, S. R. (2020). Narrating whiteness: A qualitative exploration of how white college students construct and give meaning to their racial location. Journal of College Student Development 61(2), 171–188.
  • Green, A. E. (2003). Difficult stories: Service-learning, race, class, and white- ness. College Composition and Communication 55(2), 276–301.
  • Gusa, D. L. (2010). White institutional presence: The impact of Whiteness on campus climate. Harvard Educational Review 80(4), 464–490. haer.80.4.p5j483825u110002
  • Harris, J. C. (2019). Whiteness as structuring property: Multiracial women students’ social interactions at a historically white institution. The Review of Higher Education 42(3), 1023–1050.
  • Irwin, L. N. & Foste, Z. (2021). Service-Learning and Racial Capitalism: On the Commodification of People of Color for White Advancement. Review of Higher Education 44(4), 419-446.
  • Mitchell, T. D. (2008). Traditional vs. critical service-learning: Engaging the literature to differentiate two models. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 14(2).
  • Mitchell, T. D., Donahue, D. M., & Young-Law, C. (2012). Service learning as a pedagogy of whiteness. Equity & Excellence in Education 45(4), 612-629.
  • Mitchell, T. D., & Donahue, D. M. (2009). “I do more service in this class than I ever do at my site”: Paying attention to the reflections of students of color in service-learning. In J. Strait & M. Lima (Eds.), The future of service-learning: New solutions for sustaining and improving practice (pp. 172–190). Stylus.   10.1353/csd.2010.0016
  • Mustaffa, J. B. (2017). Mapping violence, naming life: A history of anti-Black oppression in the higher education system. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 30(8), 711–727.
  • Rose, J. & Paisley, K. (2012). White Privilege in Experiential Education: A Critical Reflection, Leisure Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 34(2), 136-154.   10.1080/01490400.2012.652505
  • Santiago-Ortiz, A. (2019). From critical to decolonizing service-learning: Limits and possibilities of social justice-based approaches to community service-learning. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 24, 43-54.
  • Tuck E. (2009). Suspending damage: A letter to communities.  Harvard Educational Review 79(3), 409-427.
  • Tuck. E. & Yang K. W. (2012). Decolonization is not a metaphor. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society 1(1), 1-40.
  • Warikoo, N. K. (2016). The diversity bargain: And other dilemmas of race, admissions, and meritocracy at elite universities. University of Chicago Press.
  • Webster, Nicole. (2021). Acknowledging the historical contributions of Black Youth’s civic engagement in society. Sociology Compass. 15. 10.1111/soc4.12871
  • Yep, K. S., & Mitchell, T. D. (2017). Decolonizing community engagement: Re-imagining service learning through an ethnic studies lens. In C. Dolgon, T. D. Mitchell, & T. K. Eatman (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of service learning and community engagement (pp. 294–303). Cambridge University Press.

Websites & Databases

DEI in Community Engagement: Additional Resources

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