Key Readings and Resources
- Butin (Sarofian-Butin), D. W. (2010). Service-Learning in theory and practice: The future of community engagement in higher education. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Campus Compact
- Community Engaged Teaching and Learning in the Time of COVID-19 (2020)
- Equity-based Service-Learning (2017)
- Introduction to service-learning toolkit: Readings and resources for faculty, 2nd edition. (2003)
- Racial Inequity and Community Engagement Knowledge Hub (2021)
- Service-Learning Syllabi Archive
- Cress, C.M., Donahue, D., & Associates, eds. (2011). Democratic dilemmas of teaching service-learning: Curricular strategies for success. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
- Delgon, C., Mitchell, T.D., & Eaton, T.K. [eds] (2017). The Cambridge handbook of service learning and community engagement. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
- Heffernan, K. (2001). Fundamentals of Service-Learning Course Construction. Boston, MA: Campus Compact.
- Jacoby, B. & Mutascio, P. (2010). Looking In, reaching out: A reflective guide for service-learning professionals. Boston, MA: Campus Compact.
- Mitchell, T. D. (2008). Traditional vs. critical service-learning: Engaging the literature to differentiate two models. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 14(2).
- Mitchell, T. D., Donahue, D. M., & Young-Law, C. (2012). Service learning as a pedagogy of whiteness. Equity & Excellence in Education, 45(4), 612-629.
- * Prentice, M. & Robinson, G. (2010). Improving Student Learning Outcomes with Service Learning. American Association of Community Colleges.
- *Schnee, E., Better, A., Clark Cummings, M., Eds. (2016).Civic Engagement Pedagogy in the Community College: Theory and Practice. Switzerland: Springer International.
- *Taggart, Amanda & Crisp, Gloria. (2014). Service Learning at Community Colleges: Synthesis, Critique, and Recommendations for Future Research. Journal of College Reading and Learning. 42. 24-44. 10.1080/10790195.2011.10850346.
- Welch, M &, Plaxton-Moore, S. (2019). The Craft of Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning: A Guide for Faculty Development. Campus Compact. (Includes online interactive workbook for individual or group use)
- Zlotkowski, E. A., Longo, N. V., & Williams, J. R. (2006). Students as colleagues: expanding the circle of service-learning leadership. Providence, R.I.: Campus Compact.
More Resources on Community-Engaged Learning and Teaching
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