For Today’s Students and Tomorrow’s Democracy: How Can Educators Inspire High-Impact Civic and Democracy Learning Across the College Curriculum?
Oct 01, 2024 /3:30pm - 5:30pm EDT
Join us for "Every Student, Every Degree: College Civic Learning for Today’s Students and Tomorrow’s Democracy," the two-part launch of the Civic Learning and Democracy Engagement (CLDE) Coalition’s new report, Every Student, Every Degree: College Civic Learning for Today’s Students and Tomorrow’s Democracy. Part 2 of the launch of Every Student, Every Degree: College Civic Learning for Today’s Students and Tomorrow’s Democracy will work on feasible strategies for expanding meaningful civic learning and democracy engagement in different institutional contexts: two-year and four-year; public and private; general education and career and technical majors. Learn about how Full Participation Institutions already are making civic learning an inclusive expectation. The program also will probe ways that civic and small-d democratic learning can be combined with other key higher education priorities, specifically student success, career readiness, and high impact practice